x = independently organized TED event


This event occurred on
June 12, 2022
Antalya, Antalya

Communication between Generation X and Z
The Effect of Geographical Location on Career Choice
Biological Warfare

Türkan Şoray Kültür Merkezi
Yesilbahce, 1455. St. No:8, 07160 Muratpasa/Antalya
Antalya, Antalya, 07160
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Kirmizi­Cizgi­High­School events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Ahmet Seçim

Agricultural Engineer
Ahmet SEÇİM was born in 1984 in the Serik district of Antalya.In 2002, he started his university education at Akdeniz University, Faculty of Agriculture, Crop Production Program. In 2004, he studied at Warsaw Agricultural University with a scholarship through the Erasmus program of the European Union. He graduated from Akdeniz University Horticulture Department in 2006 with first place. In 2006, he received training at Warsaw Agricultural University with the project called "Seed Technology" within the scope of European Union Leonardo Projects. Agrostar Vegetables in 2006. He worked as a vegetable breeder's assistant in the Seeds company. In 2008, he completed his Master's Degree at Akdeniz University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture. He started to work as Gento Tohum's founding partner and Research Manager in 2010. He left Gento Tohum in 2016 and founded Genetika Tohum. in 2019

Ali Murathan Dikel

Senior Brand Manager
After Austrian High School, Ali Murathan Dikel, who started his university education in Vienna Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien in 2010, completed his undergraduate studies at Sabancı University Management Sciences Department. He has been working as a Senior Brand Manager since 2011 at Hasbro, one of the leading companies in the entertainment, game and toy industry. Dikel, who is also an Independent Board Member of REYSAŞ GYO Anonim Şirketi, is actively involved in interdisciplinary projects in many fields such as marketing, event management, corporate communication, e-commerce and media. At the same time, he provides Brand Consultancy services to companies operating in the field of education and publishing, such as AçıkBeyin Education and Consulting and OKUTU Gelişim.

Burcu Demirel

Demirel, at Akdeniz University, which she entered as a student in 1996; In 2008, Assist. Assoc. Dr. in 2011 Assoc. In 2016, Prof. Dr. has been appointed as At the age of 36, Prof. Dr. She has the title of the youngest female professor in her field. She has taken on the role of a bridge between the student and the business world in the social and societal field, together with the student groups she has been advising for many years at Akdeniz University. She was awarded with the title of Woman of the Year in Antalya in 2018, due to the numerous social responsibility activities she carried out with her students (mostly for village schools). With the GÜNKAF (Southern Career Fair) organized under the auspices of the Presidency in 2019, the concrete steps taken for students and graduates in business and career training continue under the umbrella of Akdeniz University Career Center Directorate, which it is still running.

Emrah Kozan

Designer, Educator, Academician
Emrah KOZAN graduated from Ahi Evran University, Department of Computer Programming as the 3rd. Within the body of Bilge Adam After serving as Web Graphics and Digital Design instructor, vice president and unit manager Emrah Kozan, who received the Adobe and Apple Certified Trainer titles, respectively, worked as a Master Trainer for 2 years. He trained and gave trainings to many corporate companies in the fields of Apple, Adobe and web design. In areas of expertise He has gained more than 15,000 hours of teaching experience. He has also worked in Google and Social media areas. Afterwards, he undertook the founding of the Digital Media unit within the same institution and started to develop online education platforms. was the manager.

İlke Bulut Gündüz

Math Teacher
İlke Bulut Gündüz completed his primary and secondary school years as a very unsuccessful student in both social and academic fields. He wanted to give a chance to mathematics, which was his least favorite subject in middle school, when he went to high school, and even fought against the mathematics lesson. Although this war was the turning point of İlke Bulut Gündüz's life, he believed that he had discovered the formula for success. He has taken this as a basis in many areas of his life; He gave or took part in many works in music, theater and academic. He entered the Department of Mathematics at Süleyman Demirel University and graduated from this university in 2012. He worked as a teacher and founding partner at Düzce Kaynaşlı Anatolian High School in the 2012-2013 academic year, and at Simge Study Center in 2013-2016. In the 2016-2017 academic year, Kemer College Education Coordinator continues to teach mathematics at Red Line Schools since 2017.

İlker Kaldı

Educator, Consultant
He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Law. He worked as a manager, consultant and trainer in the public and private sectors. In 2012, he founded İlker Kaldı Education Consultancy. He works as a Trainer and Consultant at IKED.

İzzet Memi

Describing his main profession as "Trying to be human", Dr. İzzet Memi continues his life as a speaker, trainer, actor and writer in this journey as a minor. He gives speeches and gives trainings in both individual and corporate fields on emotion management, communication and motivation. In addition to the television programs she participated in, Dr.Memi gave a speech at the Hope themed Tedx Istanbul organization in November 2017. At the beginning of 2019, Dr. İzzet Memi, who is the official trainer of Krauthammer, one of the most established training companies in Europe, still continues to actively provide trainings for this company in the corporate field. Besides, he continues to make the "Bağlariz Abi" program with Murathan Dikel on the AçıkBrain Youtube channe

Oytun Erbaş

Associate Professor Doctor
Oytun Erbaş, was born in 15th November 1978 in İzmir.He graduated from Ege University Medical School in 2001. He achieved degrees in TUS (examination for specialty in medicine) for 7 times. He worked as a Research Assistant in Internal Diseases, Radiology, Physiology and Experimental Medicine and Neuroscience. (2001-2012) He became an expert in Physiology and Experimental Medicine in November 2012 at Ege University. Between May 2013-December 2014 he worked as an assistant professor in Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University Medical School Since January 2015 he is working in Demiroglu Science University Medical School. He is the founder and manager of Experimental Medicine Institute in Gebze. In May he earned the title Associate Professor in Physiology and Experimental Medicine in 2018.

Tuncay Vural

He started his professional career in 1980 with Sait Sökmen in the world show business.Tuncay Vural, who achieved many successes in the field of dance, established the dance academy and dance team that he gave his name after receiving the title of "The Dance King of Turkey"with successive success in dance competitions.Tuncay Vural, who determined during his dance career that apart from being an art branch, has many aspects that can be beneficial to humanity, he focused on his studies in the field of psychology.In this context, he took drama and choreography trainings together with psychology in Italy, France and the Netherlands in order to research different aspects of dance that will contribute to human beings. Within the scope of his research in psychology, he carried out the study"Your Dance is Your Character",which shows that "dance reflects the basic character traits of the person".This academic work of Tuncay Vural was approved by Jyvaskyla University in Finland in November 2010.

Organizing team


  • Arda Bodur
    Team member
  • Ata Aruv
    Team member
  • Aziza Gosten
    Team member
  • beril özdinçer
    Team member
  • ceylin erdemir
    Team member
  • Deniz Karin Kahraman
    Team member
  • Devrim Çetin Sunan
  • duygu koçer
    Team member
  • ece odabaşı
    Team member
  • Eray Sanlı
    Team member
  • Eren Adali
    Team member
  • Eylül Sarı
    Team member
  • Fatma Gözde Oksal
    Team member
  • Hacı Rohat Karaçalı
    Team member
    Team member
  • İlay Kutlu
    Team member
  • ilke aydın
    Team member
  • ipek özkan
    Team member
  • İrem Kartal
    Team member
  • Kağan Erkuş
    Team member
  • Kerem Yilmaz
    Team member
  • Kerim Afsin
    Team member
  • merve kurt
    Team member
  • Nehir Karıklar
    Team member
  • Nilsu Büyüktosun
    Team member
  • Semen Ural
    Team member
  • Semih Vatansever
    Team member
  • Sena Dinçtürk
    Team member
  • Turgut Can Aydınlık
    Team member
  • Zeynep Dalkılıç
    Team member
  • Zilan Ucar
    Team member