x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
May 30, 2023
Scotch Plains, New Jersey
United States

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Union County Vocational Technical High Schools
1776 Raritan Road
Scotch Plains, New Jersey, 07076
United States
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­U­C­V­T­S events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Ava Ranski

Ava Ranski is currently a junior at the Union County Vocational Technical High School. She is a hardworking and passionate student who participates in multiple clubs such as Drama Club, Relay for Life, Student Council, and TEDxYouth@UCVTS. She loves hockey and helps her community while working as an ambassador for the Henrik Lundqvist Foundation to give back to others that struggle with medical issues. As someone who lives with a disability, she has been able to shed light on her situation and speak out about Spina Bifida awareness.

Bevalyne Moseti

Bevalyne Moseti is a high school student who attends the Academy for Information Technology. During her leisure time, she enjoys exploring local cuisines and playing chess with her siblings. Bevalyne is interested in politics and global affairs which inspired her to start an educational civics group in her school. Additionally, she is passionate about making a positive impact in her community and often volunteers at the local library, homeless shelter and leads youth services at her church. In her talk, she will be highlighting migrant remittances and how its impact on global development is often overlooked.

Cameron Bloodgood

Cameron Bloodgood is currently a junior at the Union County Magnet High School. She is extremely involved in school, participating in clubs such as FBLA, student council, and TEDxYouth@UCVTS. Additionally, she plays soccer on both recreational and club teams and has had the privilege to tour colleges and meet with coaches looking for prospective students. By discussing the challenges faced when going through high school sports and extending her research into how others may be affected, she hopes to help prospective students become aware of how to put their skills to use in the most positive environment possible.

Isabella "Avian" Caldwell

Isabella Caldwell is a high school student currently pursuing a career in creative writing. From short stories to novels, they are enamored with the art of storytelling and writing. Hard-working and goal-oriented, Isabella still finds time to slow down and contribute to what they find the most important: their writing. Isabella takes risks, makes mistakes, and can never be silent about the things they love to do. Involved in various clubs and organizations at UCVTS, Isabella devotes themselves to community and connection within their school community. Setting their goals high and their sights even higher, Isabella strives to make the most out of their high school experience and beyond.

Janeli (Jane) Tenecota

Jane, a junior at Union County Magnet High School for Science, Mathematics, and Technology, has always been curious about everything. From hiking waterfalls, helping out in soup kitchens, building websites to help advertise cultural diversity, dancing various genres, learning languages, trying new foods, and participating in school clubs such as TSA, FBLA, and GSA, Jane’s curiosity for the world only longs for more. Being an only child of immigrant parents, she’s learned to become independent and only hopes to make her parents proud and live the life they’ve dreamed of. Her experience has brought out a passion for change and is currently pursuing an interest in artificial intelligence to develop tomorrow’s future. In her talk, she hopes to advocate for a place where everyone can stand united without racial barriers and encourages others like her to stay strong and proud of who they are.

Maria Claudia Ramirez Aleman

Maria Claudia is a student at the Union County Vocational-Technical Schools, specifically attending the Academy of Allied Health Sciences. She is a strong, young woman focused on helping students and speaking up about what she believes in. She also takes part in clubs like HOSA, Student Government, Relay for Life, and TedxYouth@UCVTS. Additionally, she has many volunteer hours as she enjoys tutoring other people in order to help them succeed in school; she loves participating in events, such as food drives, to help the people in her community. In the future, she hopes to become a cardiothoracic surgeon.

Shalini Ramakrishnan

Shalini Ramakrishnan is a senior at UCTECH in the School of Sustainable Sciences. She will be attending Cornell University this fall in pursuit of a degree in environmental science. Shalini is also a cookie lover. She loves to bake and eat these wonderful treats. Additionally, Shalini swims competitively, runs track, and plays the piano. She has a great interest in energy conservation and efficiency and climate change. She is passionate about the Earth and the environment.

Sofia Rahman

Sofia Rahman is currently a junior at the Academy for Allied Health Sciences in Union County Vocational-Technical Schools. She has always been incredibly passionate about medicine, and loves to learn all about the many aspects of it. In her free time, she participates in HOSA, Debate Club, and volunteers for the New Providence EMS. As a young Indian-American who has lived in the United States her whole life, she has seen and experienced some of the racist behaviors that run rampant in our country. By speaking up about microaggressions in her talk, she hopes to shed light on the small but significant acts of stereotyping that people of color face every day.

Vinch Bag-ao

Vinch Bag-ao is a rising senior at the Union County Magnet High School. Although he is involved in the Robotics Club and has a position in the Technology Student Association (TSA), his true passion is in government and politics. Vinch’s goal in life is to positively impact the world with effects that last for a long time. In addition to Robotics and TSA, Vinch is a member of Magnet Student Government; an editor for the school newspaper, the Campus Chronicle; and an active participant in FBLA. As an autistic student, Vinch has endured the challenges of being autistic, and his talk describes his challenges and his evolving view on his condition.

Organizing team


United States


Scotch Plains, NJ, United States
  • Sripriya Challa
    Post production